Meet Alison

I am a Person-Centred Psychotherapist & Group Therapist based in Brighton (UK)

I offer Group Therapy to promote Personal Development: it can help us increase Self-Esteem/ Confidence, decrease Social Anxiety & form more Rewarding Relationships

I have been offering therapy (Groups/ Individuals/ Relationships) since 2009 & my clinical hours are now over 5000

👉 I spent 10+ years working in IT Consultancy before I trained to be a therapist

👉 I have been a fully qualified Counsellor since 2010 & soon after, in 2011, completed Group Facilitation training

👉 I have facilitated Groups in a variety of different ways with a variety of different people since 2011

👉 I really, really love Groups and have seen firsthand how powerful & transformative they can be

👉 I returned to my study in 2018 & in 2022 I graduated from Metanoia with a Masters in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Application

👉I have a trauma-informed perspective. My approach considers the latest neuroscience alongside attachment theory

👉 I truly believe that we are all doing our best & that sometimes our survival strategies stop being so helpful & that can be one of the times that we find ourselves in the therapy room

👉 I am never sitting across from my clients thinking “I’ve got all my stuff sorted why haven’t you?” I believe that life can be a struggle for all of us, at different times, for a wide variety of reasons - me included

👉 I believe there is value in coming to therapy when we are not struggling but simply might want more out of life

👉 I feel privileged to be trusted with people’s explorations & I have an unquenchable thirst to understand what makes us all tick

Want to know more?

Clinical Experience

Qualifications & CPD